#159 – Nightbane Book 1: Between the Shadows
Time for a return to Nightbane! This time we're looking at the first expansion book for this unique horror setting, a book entitled **Between the Shadows**. This is a remarkably deep and surprisingly versatile setting book, crammed full of imaginative campaign fodder for the entire Palladium Megaverse. What were your favorite Astral/Dream realm moments from your past games?
Time for a return to Nightbane! This time we're looking at the first expansion book for this unique horror setting, a book entitled Between the Shadows. This is a remarkably deep and surprisingly versatile setting book, crammed full of imaginative campaign fodder for the entire Palladium Megaverse. What were your favorite Astral/Dream realm moments from your past games?
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Links of Note:
- Nightbane Role-Playing Game, Digital
- Nightbane Book 1 Between the Shadows, Digital
- Our original Nightbane episode
- Valhalla by Tom Holt
- A Cloak of Blades, by Isaac Sher
- Hosts: NPC and Matthew Gray Music:* Opening is "8-Bit bass & lead" by Furbyguy, Closing is "Caravana" by Phillip Gross
- Episode Length (We support chapters!): 42:50
Glitter Boys, Rifts, the Megaverse, and all other such topics are the property of Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books. Please buy all their stuff and help keep them in print and making more games! You can order directly at palladiumbooks.com, and their entire catalog is available digitally at Drive-Thru RPG as well.
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- Audio RSS: https://breakfastpuppies.com/feed/glitterbois
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